Monday, September 2, 2013

Cooking Up a Storm

Since having baby boy, I have been spending a lot of time in the kitchen.  Gone are the days of dinners out and lunches on the town.  The only place we sit down to eat lately is our kitchen table.  I'm not complaining. The food is good, company great, and the price is right.

Here are a few of the things we have been cooking and eating.  The baked chicken tenders have been my favorite savory item.  So GOOD!

Blueberry Crumb Cake was a huge success.  Here's a tip though: don't eat it without double checking for mold after a week in a tupperware on your counter.  That was a big bite I wished I could take back.

I love pancakes and french toast.  I had an abundance of blueberries last month, so I made these pancakes for breakfast one morning.  I had mine with greek yogurt, blackberry syrup, and fresh berries on top.

Mmm.  Corn bread.  So American-delicious.  I served these with bbq ribs and garlic green beans.  I like them sweeter than these came out, but they were good enough to eat all twelve so...

On the agenda for this month:
Orange Chicken
Homemade Pizza
more Baked Chicken Tenders
and if I am really lucky, DONUTS!

I will let you know how they come out.  For recipes, you can check my personal blog here.

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